Thursday, September 10, 2015



Strength is the attribute that grants health and health regeneration. Every point of strength a hero has increase their maximum hit points by 19, and their helath regeneration increase by 0.03 HP per second, meaning Heroes gain 1 health per second for every 33 points of strength.For Strength Heroes, every point of Strength increases their damage by 1.

Strength Heroes

Strength heroes tend to have more health and health regeneration than heroes of other classes, making them more resilient to both physical attacks and spells. Strength heroes have the greatest variety in their roles, including that of carry, ganker dan support, but almost all of them have some form of strong initiation and are supposed to act as tanks to some degree. In addition, heroes with a large amount of strength may greatly increase the damage needed to bring a team down. With the exception of Huskar, Io, Phoenix, and Dragon knight in his Elder Dragon Form, all strength heroes are melee. Whilst intelligence heroes typically sport a strong early game, and Agility heroes excel in the late game, Strength heroes are often able to strike a balance between the two and remain relevant at all points of the game.

At the moment, there are 37 Strength Heroes implemented in Defense of the Ancients, and 36 implemented in Dota 2.


Agility is an attribute that grants Armor and Attack Speed. For every point of Agility a Hero has their Attack Speed goes up by 1 and their Armor increases by 0.14, meaning Heroes gain roughly 1 Armor for every 7 points of Agility. For Agility heroes, every point of Agility increases their damage by 1.

Agility Heroes

Because Agility heroes are the only class of heroes to gain both damage and attack speed as their primary attribute increases, they tend to have the highest physical damage output as the game progresses. This makes them scale very well with offensive items. They tend to have limited disabling capabilities or nukes; almost all their abilities augment their physical capabilities or serve as positioning or escape mechanisms. This tends to make them a lot more velnurable and weak in the early game when strong offensive disables and nukes dictate the flow of kills, but also means that, with good items under their belts, they will be the ones delivering the greatest amount of damage in the late game, while also being delat the least amount of physical damage as a result of their high armor. Agility  heroes have a roughly even split between being melee or being ranged, and fit primarily into carry and ganker roles.

At the moment, there are 35 Agility Heroes implemented in Defense of the Ancients, and 34 implemented in Dota 2.


Intelligence is the attribute that grants mana and mana regenration. For each point of intelligence a Hero has, their maximum mana increases by 13 and their mana regenration increases by 0.04 mana per second, meaning Heroes gain 1 mana persecond for every 25 points of intelligence. For intelligence Heroes, every point of intelligence increases their damage by 1

Intelligence Heroes

Intelligence heroes tend to have a greater number of active abilities compared to heroes of other classes; with the exception of Necrophos, all Intelligence heroes have at least three actives abilities, with a large number of them having all four of their abilities being actives. Their larger mana pools and higher mana regen rates go a long way to help them use these abilities frequently. As a whole, Intelligence heroes have by far the greatest number of disabling capabilities, making them essential in most lineups. The item they build also tend to be highly caster based, since those items primarily provide Intelligence. With the exceptions of Dark Seer and Ogre Magi, all Intelligence heroes are ranged. Because most Intelligence heroes have abilities such as static damage nukes that do not scale, they tend to have a strong early game, when enemies' health pools are low, but much weaker late game, when enemies have high health and strong defensive items. Because of this, they often fit into support and ganker roles.

At the moment, there are 40 Intelligence Heroes implemented in Defense of the Ancients, and 40 implemented in Dota 2

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